
Current Series

Imago Dei - Sunday evening teaching series

In the Spring of 2019 Pastor Randy and Pastor Clint delivered a series of sermons on how understanding the biblical truth that every person has been created in the image of God informs how we approach many of the cultural issues of our day. When the series concluded many shared how impacting it was on their thinking and approach to the hot topics we now face: issues such as sexuality and gender, sanctity of life, racial discrimination and men and women's roles. In this updated reboot of the series Pastor Randy teaches six sessions on the importance of understanding this vital biblical doctrine referred to as the Imago Dei.

The Savior Has Been Born

On the first Christmas the angelic messenger announced to the shepherds outside of Bethlehem that, "the Savior . . . has been born!" Did that group of rag tag sheep herders really understand and comprehend what it meant that the Savior had been born? Do we really understand what it means that the savior has been born? In this series we will be exploring the beauty and significance behind the arrival of the Savior. Join us to appreciate anew the amazing truth that "The Savior has been born!"

Fear Less

Life brings with it challenges and struggles. Those challenges and struggles can cause us worry and anxiety which are really just other forms of fear. The encouragement that Jesus gave more than any other during his earthly ministry was "fear not." As followers of Jesus we should not allow fear to rule the day, but sometimes it seems that it is easier said than done. Join us as we explore God's word together to discover how we can become people who fear less.

Imago Dei

Our culture is transforming at a rapid pace. "Diversity. Equality, and tolerance" are common buzz words that we hear. Sexism, racism, classism and gender quality are just a few of the hot topic issues dominating the conservation in our culture. In our newest Sunday series we will be exploring Go`s Word to discover answers to the confront us. Don`t miss this important and informative series, "Imago Dei."

Trust Issues

Biblical trust is active faith based on reasonable evidence. This series explores how the Bible defines faith, what the basis of faith is, and how trust relates to God, ourselves, and others. 


Satan is the master counterfeiter. He seeks to counterfeit the work of God and the truth of God. All through the Bible we can see examples of our enemy`s attempts to make the false look true. Learning to defect the genuine from the counterfeit is what we will be discovering in our newest Sunday series, "bogus."

Psalm Things 2 Think About

The Psalms make up the largest section of scripture in the Bible. Many people go to Psalms for comfort, inspiration and encouragement . although there are many Psalms that people cling to, there are other Palms that people avoid or misunderstand. Join us each Sunday as we take a thoughtful look at some important and thought provoking Psalms.

Joy to the World?

It`s the Christmas season once again. As followers of Jesus, we celebrate the birth of our Savior and proclaim "Joy to the world."But what is this joy all about? And how does this joy affect the world? Join us each Sunday leading up to Christmas for our newest sermon series, "Joy to the world."

Like Jesus

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to imitate Him that’s just another way to say that we are to be like Him. We know this in a general way but what does that look like specifically? In this series we will be taking a closer look at what it means to be “Like Jesus.” Join us as we look at the master plan to be like The master.

The Power of Redeeming Love
The Old Testament book of Ruth contains an amazing story of tragedy, loyalty, love and redemption. Its a story filled with many lessons and challenges that we can glean from for our lives today. Join us each week for our latest series "The Power of Redeeming Love."

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